The Pacific Prosecutors’ Association (PPA) was initiated and developed by senior Pacific prosecutors to address specific challenges prosecutors face in Pacific Island countries such as prosecutorial independence, accountability, capacity, resources and the challenges faced in the prosecution of specific crimes in the Pacific. The PPA is directed towards improving prosecutorial services within the Pacific by providing a collective voice for Pacific prosecutors and support for member offices.
A copy of the PPA Constitution can be found in the Digital Library.
The PILON Secretariat provides some limited secretarial support for the PPA. For further information about the Association, or relevant contacts, please contact the PILON Secretariat.
Current Executive Committee chair
Current Executive Committee members
Past PPA meetings
Theme: Prosecuting Emerging Crimes in the Pacific
The 7th Annual Meeting of the PPA was hosted by Nauru and held in Nadi, Fiji. Prosecutors from the Cook Islands, FSM, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, PNG, RMI, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu and also, representatives from the Australian Attorney-General’s Department, South Australian Director of Public Prosecutions Office, Australian Federal Police, Nauru Police Force, and Australian Crime Prevention Council attended the meeting.
Presentations covered the following topics: the Role of the DPP, ‘Judicial Review’, Making Public Officials Accountable, and Duty of a Prosecutor. Each member country also presented an overview of relevant legal developments in their jurisdiction.
Theme: Pacific Prosecutions and Good Governance: Independence Accountability and Transparency
The 6th Annual Pacific Prosecutors’ Conference was hosted by the Attorney General’s Office of Tonga, and held in Nuku’alofa, Tonga. The program was attended by PPA members from the prosecuting offices of the Cook Islands, FSM, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, PNG, RMI, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu, and representatives from AGD, NZ Serious Fraud office, Ministry of Health from Tonga, Forensic Pathologist Consultant from New Zealand and Australian, New Zealand and Tonga police departments.
The program featured presentations and panel discussions on the conference theme focusing on the key areas Improving Relations with Police and Prosecuting SGBV.
Theme: Prosecuting in Remote Areas
The Pacific Prosecutors’ meeting was held in Fiji with 15 participants from Cook Islands, FSM, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu, along with representatives from the Australian Attorney-General’s Department, and New Zealand Crown Law Office.
Attendees discussed prosecuting in remote areas and received a presentation on capability mapping within Pacific prosecutions which identified basic resources required for successful prosecution offices in terms of technology and training. Participants received findings and recommendations of a review of Pacific forensic laws, which found that, in most Pacific Island countries, the legal frameworks that govern the collection and use of forensic evidence have significant gaps. The review recommends a regional approach to be taken to law reform in this area by developing model forensic provisions.
Theme: Building Prosecutor Capacity: Dismantling the Web of Corruption
The 4th Annual Pacific Prosecutors’ Conference was hosted by the Solomon Islands Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in July 2012. The Conference was attended by delegates from prosecution offices of the Cook Islands, FSM, Kiribati, Nauru, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Organisations represented as observers included the International Association of Prosecutors, the Australian Association of Crown Prosecutors, Commonwealth Secretariat, Crown Law Office of New Zealand, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, UNDP (Pacific Centre), UNODC, and the World Bank.
Presentations were provided regarding the role of prosecutors in upholding judicial and prosecutorial independence and on forms of regional and international support available for Pacific prosecutors. PPA member delegates also discussed topics including integrity standards, building prosecution capacity, and enhancing the role of the PPA.
Theme: An Inclusive Criminal Justice System: Giving Due Recognition to Our Cultural Processes
The 2011 Pacific Prosecutors’ Conference was hosted by the Vanuatu Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in May 2011. The conference was attended by prosecutors from the Cook Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu.
Presentations, given by representatives of USP, the Public Prosecutors’ Office of Vanuatu, NZ Crown Law, the Victorian Koori Court, and French Polynesia’s Public Prosecutors’ Office, led to open discussion regarding attendees’ experiences, shared issues or constraints, and opportunities.
Theme: The Impact of Technology in the Commission and Prosecution of Crime
The Pacific Prosecutors’ Conference was held in Apia, Samoa in June 2010. The conference was attended by 35 delegates drawn from member countries and observer organisations. Countries represented included: Solomon Islands, New Zealand, Cook Islands, Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Samoa, Kiribati, Tonga, and Nauru.
In addition to resolutions passed by attendees in relation to technology in the courtroom and in investigation, members resolved to invite the PILON Secretariat to act as temporary host of the Secretariat of the PPA. This proposal was later endorsed by the 2010 PILON Meeting. Members also considered a draft constitution for the Association.
Theme: Independence and Integrity
The inaugural Pacific Prosecutors’ Conference was held in July 2009 in Brisbane, Australia. Prosecutors from PNG, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, Samoa and Australia attended, as well as several observer organisations.
Speakers presented on a range of topics, from the role of prosecutors in the rule of law to specific problems within their jurisdictions. Resolutions were also passed by conference attendees, which established a Pacific Prosecutors’ Association. The host country for the next conference was appointed as the Secretariat for the Association.